Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cleveland East Breakwater Light

On Sunday, Lori and I drove to the Cleveland area for a work related conference. We decided while we were in the area, we should check out some of the Cleveland Lighthouses. We had seen the Cleveland Lighthouses about 9 years ago on a trip back from Chicago to Morgantown, but it was pretty hazy on that particular day and we did not get a good view of the lighthouses.

Our trip got a little interesting when we pulled out the Garmin GPS. We had yet another experience with the GPS that was not exactly to our liking. See our Garmin post. We had driven to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and then used the custom point of interest (POI) file I had originally downloaded whe I bought the Garmin. The Garmin got extremely confused with all of the roads near the Cleveland waterfront and on several occasions put us on the wrong street. It also kept telling us to make turns where there were no roads - only concrete barriers. We finally put the Garmin away and went back to the Cleveland Browns Stadium, next to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

The view was much better this time around as we had a bright sunny day with clear skies and temperatures in the mid 80s. But we were disappointed that we could not get any closer than we did because of the fences surrounding the docks. We had forgotten our regular camera, and had to use the cameras on our cell phones, which didn't work out very well. Those cameras don't have a strong enough zoom to get a really good picture. Also because of the fences, we were fighting to get a picture that didn't have the fence covering up the lighthouse. On top of that, the sun was hitting the water just right to put a glare on the lighthouse. Needless to say, we saw the lighthouse, but did not succeed in getting any great pictures. Maybe next time we will rent a boat and go out to the lighthouse to get pictures.

After the disappointing results at the West Breakwater Light, we decided not to go see the East Pierhead Light.

We have a trip scheduled in June to attend a wedding in Detroit. We are hoping to see the Toledo Harbor Lighthouse and the Port Huron Lighthouse, two new lighthouses for us. Hopefully, we will have better luck (and remember our camera) on that trip. Until then.....

1 comment:

Lighthouser said...

I had the opportunity to photograph the two Cleveland lights from a cruise aboard the Goodtime III -- see